The GBHCW co-sponsors a series of "practice opportunity fairs" each year in conjunction with various Georgia GME programs to link resident physicians with employment opportunities in the state.

Potential exhibitors interested in showcasing their facility at any of this year's fairs will need to fill out the form below to register. Once submitted, you will receive an automatically generated email indicating the GBHCW has received your registration.

For the registration fees, please follow up with the residency program for each event you are attending, as the amounts differ for each event. Below are details about the fairs and the registration fee process:

Download this pdf file. Medical College of Georgia (MCG) - April 23rd, 2025

  • The Practice Opportunity Fair originally planned for Wednesday, October 2nd at Medical College of Georgia has been rescheduled due to the aftermath of the recent hurricane in the Augusta area.
    • We have rescheduled the fair to Wednesday, April 23rd, 2025

If you are having difficulties using this webform, please contact the GBHCW by clicking HERE.

Facility's physical address
Facility's main website address
Please provide a list of the Georgia counties in which your practice, clinic, hospital, or health system has a physical location.
This individual will be your organization's main point of contact for any residents interested in practicing with your organization.
Contact person's email address
List all specialties for which you are recruiting.
Date Selection and Acknowledgement/Photo Release
Date Selection
Upcoming Event Dates
April 23rd, 2025 Augusta, Georgia
Acknowledgement and Photo Release
I understand that I am voluntarily providing the following information to the Georgia Board of Health Care Workforce and that it may be distributed to residents and physicians who registered for and/or attended this event. By completing this webform, I acknowledge this potential use of the provided information and allow the Georgia Board of Health Care Workforce to release such information to interested parties. Photographs taken by GBHCW staff at in-person Practice Opportunity Fairs are property of the Georgia Board of Health Care Workforce and may be used in future promotional materials and/or social media. Registration for this event acknowledges this potential use and shall serve as a photo release.